Well, Well, Well

Lots of new things at the site this past week. Dug the electrical and phone wires to the house and the garage. They're plenty deep so I won't have to worry about digging them up when I'm gardening!

Take a look at this well drilling rig! Wow! What a site to watch. We had expert help selecting the site and they drilled 283 feet to find an artesian well!
Now that's pure and very cold water - pouring out at about 2.5 gallons per minute! But the fun has only begun, now we have to figure out what to do with the water in the winter. Hmmm... Sounds like a perfect problem for a water resources engineer - wonder where we can find a good one?
They excavated for the garage footings and placed the forms - we hear that the concrete has been poured for the garage floor, but we're stuck here in the BIG city and haven't made our way up to see it yet.
Better yet, they poured the concrete for the house floor! Oh my - don't stand in there too long guys - you might get stuck. When you come visit us - if there are rubber boots sticking out of our basement floor - you'll know what happened!
Boy were they meticulous - 3 hours later they were still on their hands and knees smoothing it out - let's be sure to get it perfect guys!
They also finished the septic mound and put the tanks in - we'll spare you the photos - although pretty exciting, you'll have to come visit to experience it in person (and maybe use it). We even have our own private porta-potty!
Now for the latest news (up-to-the-minute) - they started framing the house too! Let us out of here! If you see a blue truck speeding by, wave to us on our way up!